The Mystic Drum by Gabriel Okara explores the advent of western imperialism to the African culture. The...
A conversation that spreads light by M.K. Sanu outlines the conversation that took place between Sree Narayana Guru,...
Sahodaran Ayyappan was a social reformer, revolutionary, and legislator who gave vast contributions to set rationalism in...
It is a free verse poem written by Gabriel Okara. Gabriel Okara used his writings to introduce...
Poykayil Appachan was a revolutionary Dalit leader who was drilled with bitter experiences including social discrimination. He...
This poem recounts how modernization discolored mother nature. Poet shares his apprehensions about the river Perar where...
Matsyaganddhi is a one-act play written by Sajitha Madathil a well-known feminist and theatrical activist from Kerala....
The Indian express has written an article about Vaikom Mohammed Basheer by describing him as ‘the philosopher...
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer is one of the most eminent writers in Malayalam. He is known for his...
Kristine F Murray Batey (1951 – 2005) is an American poet who is known for her famous...