The Stranger by Albert Camus is a reflective journey for the readers to meditate over the warmth...
Uncanny is a term used to express strange and mysterious feelings. Many terms could be added as...
Wislawa Szymborska is a Polish poet who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996. She was...
John Henry Newman’s Lead kindly light is a reflective poem that easily switches the reader’s thoughts from physical to...
Gopinath Mohanty is a renowned Indian novelist who advocated for a classless society. The second quarter of...
Alec Derwent Hope (1907 – 2000) is an Australian poet known for his elegies and satires. The death of the...
The world is too much with us is an Italian sonnet composed by Wordsworth. The Italian sonnet...
Dilip Chitre (1938 – 2009) is a well-known bilingual writer from India. He wrote about alienation, death,...
Margaret Atwood is a Canadian poet, critic, essayist, and social activist. She published her works in more...
Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979 ) is an American poet known for her descriptive style of writing. The fish...