Robert Frost (1874 – 1963) is a renowned American poet known for his style and theme of...
Piano and drums by Gabriel Okara narrates the difference between the African culture and the western culture. Piano...
The chance of humming is a poem by Jalal ad-Din Muhammed Rumi(1207-1273). He was a Persian poet...
Robert Frost (1874 – 1963) is a renowned American poet known for his style and theme of...
Pablo Neruda ( 1904 – 1973) is known for his descriptive writing and intense expressions. If you...
Kamala Das is one of the well-known confessional poets of India. She discussed many controversial topics including...
House of a thousand doors by Meena Alexander narrates the reasons and impacts of colonialism in India...
The negro speaks of rivers is a free verse poem written by Langston Hughes in 1921. He penned against...
We are going is a poem that picturizes the identical crisis faced by the people in colonial and...
I dream a world by Langston Hughes portrays the poet’s hope for a better world. In this...