Robert Frost (1874 – 1963) is a renowned American poet known for his style and theme of...
Pablo Neruda ( 1904 – 1973) is known for his descriptive writing and intense expressions. If you...
Kamala Das is one of the well-known confessional poets of India. She discussed many controversial topics including...
House of a thousand doors by Meena Alexander narrates the reasons and impacts of colonialism in India...
The negro speaks of rivers is a free verse poem written by Langston Hughes in 1921. He penned against...
We are going is a poem that picturizes the identical crisis faced by the people in colonial and...
I dream a world by Langston Hughes portrays the poet’s hope for a better world. In this...
Where the mind is without fear is a poem that visualizes Tagore’s philosophy about knowledge, equality, and religion. Tagore...
Alec Derwent Hope (1907 – 2000) is an Australian poet known for his elegies and satires. The death of the...
The world is too much with us is an Italian sonnet composed by Wordsworth. The Italian sonnet...